Wednesday, April 16, 2008



8" x 10"
Oil on Linen

I have been wanting to paint a pineapple for months but somehow they all sit around too long and then get eaten. Finally I snagged this one.

Colors used: Transparent Oxide Red, Cadmium Red, Cad Yellow medium, Cad Yellow lemon and Cad yellow Dark, Veridian, Cobalt Blue

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Two Pears

Two Pears
8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas

Great News! A friend is getting married! As I painted this it began to represent an intimate relationship.

Colors: Cadmium Yellow (lemon, lt and deep), Cadmium Red, Veridian, Tranparent Oxide Red, Cobalt Blue, Titanium White.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Hill and Dale Farm

Hill and Dale Farm

30" x 60"
Oil on Canvas

Big canvas washy paint, mostly done with three colors.

Terra Rosa, Veridian, Cerulian Blue, other than that I guess I have some Cadmium yellow there too.